Our Models of Mediation

As we mention on our homepage, we aim to craft a process that is geared to the particular dispute.

Save in cases where we are initially contacted by lawyers, our first involvement will typically be when one or both parties contact ONE~resolve. They are invited to attend an initial meeting where parties sign a commitment to a confidential and ‘without prejudice’ discussion. After that we will propose a process to bring the matter forward to an efficient and economical resolution.

Below we indicate typical processes or special features that we take account of in making recommendations.


Depending on the circumstances, there may be joint or individual sessions lasting 60-90 minutes. In separation, divorce or custody cases parties generally, though not always, have contact with advisers for legal support, though they are not present at the sessions.  In such cases, solutions developed in the process are normally brought to lawyers for implementation.


Arrangements are made for an all-day mediation, very often preceded by separate meetings with the individual parties and/or their advisors. The aim is to resolve the matter on that day. Lawyers are usually present, though not in all cases. Considerable preparation (including exchange of position statements) takes place before the appointed day to maximize efficiency and the possibility of success.


Here we usually work with the parties separately in the first instance and aim for one or more joint meetings at which the problem can be resolved.


In conflict situations, people from diverse cultures have different approaches to expressing their needs, to dealing with conflict, and in the manner of solving their disputes. This requires intercultural and linguistic expertise which some of our panel members can offer. This expertise can be particularly important in personal dispute situations, where a crucial aspect for the clients is to be able to convey their standpoint and be heard by the other party. Intercultural mediations can be undertaken in Ireland and abroad.


We have panel members with experience in various industry sectors, some of which are intrinsically international in their reach, such as telecommunications, media, insurance and finance, and contracts associated with aircraft.


In many cases we find it beneficial to work in pairs as co-mediators, whether for reasons of gender balance or in order to access different mediator experience – e.g. financial and legal or psychological – even though we do not purport to offer professional advice.